Physician Burnout: Organizational and Systemic Solutions that Move the Needle. Grand Rounds, Hannibal Regional Medical Center. August 24, 2021.
Physician Side Gigs. Invited speaker. Brown University Program in Liberal Medical Education. April 14, 2022, virtual.
Grand Rounds, Physician Finances for the Early Career Physician. Invited speaker. Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital. April 8, 2022, virtual.
Women's Work: Claiming Our Space as Leaders in Healthcare. Panelist. New York University Alumni network. March 31, 2022, virtual.
Women in History Month Featured Interview with Dr. Nisha Mehta. Department of Veteran's Heath Affairs, Office of Diversity and Inclusion. March 8, 2022, virtual.
Scott Becker Interviews Dr. Nisha Mehta, Founder of Physician Side Gigs. Becker's Healthcare Podcast. February 23, 2022 (click to link).
Staying Well in Medicine. Panelist. Wake Forest AOA Day. February 16, 2022, virtual.
When It's No Longer Money that Dictates Decisions. Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference 2022. February 10, 2022. Phoenix, Arizona.
NCHA Virtual Town Hall: It Takes a Conversation. Addressing NC’s Mental Health Crisis. Moderator. North Carolina Healthcare Association. October 7, 2021, virtual.
Addressing Burnout in the COVID Era. Keynote: 2021 Southwest Trauma & Acute Care Symposium (STACS), October 7, 2021, virtual.
Women in Medicine Summit: An Evolution in Empowerment Closing Address. September 25, 2021, virtual.
Finding Solutions to Physician Burnout that Move the Needle. Grand Rounds. Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara. September 16, 2021, virtual.
NCHA Virtual Town Hall: It Takes a Conversation. Building Healthier Rural Communities. Moderator. North Carolina Healthcare Association. August 26, 2021, virtual.
Career Longevity: Time in the Market Beats Timing the Market. Keynote, Ending Physician Burnout Global Summit. August 26, 2021, virtual.
NCHA Virtual Town Hall: It Takes a Conversation. How innovations developed during the pandemic will enhance patient experiences and outcomes into the future. Moderator. North Carolina Healthcare Association. May 12, 2021, virtual.
Taking a National Approach to Physician Burnout. Burnout and Patient Safety in the NICU: From Problems to Solutions. University of Illinois College of Medicine, May 6, 2021, virtual.
Defining Success in a Career in Medicine. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, May 4, 2021, virtual.
Women in Healthcare/Medicine Panel. Yale Women's Empowerment Conference, April 11, 2021, virtual.
Physician Wellness and Work-life Balance. NYU Radiology Alumni Society, February 25, 2021, virtual.
Physician Empowerment, the Independent Mindset, and Supplemental Income Streams. Independent Physicians of the Carolinas, February 17, 2021, virtual.
The COVID-19 Wrecking Ball: Implications for the Physician Workforce. Keynote: NAPR/NALTO Convention 2021, February 17, 2021, virtual.
Wellness Grand Rounds: Prioritizing Long Term Career Longevity. Department of Surgery, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. February 3, 2021.
YPS Wellness Expert Panel Discussion. Society of Breast Imaging. January 22, 2021.
Advocacy in the Age of A Pandemic: Mobilizing Social Media Communities to Effect Change. Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting 2020, November 2020, virtual.
2020: Chaos, Crisis, and the Path Forward. Keynote. American Association for Respiratory Care Congress 2020, November 18, 2020, virtual.
Empowerment through Alternative Income Streams. Women In Medicine Summit. October 10, 2020, virtual.
The Hill's Annual Future of Healthcare Summit. The Hill. July 9, 2020, virtual.
Featured/Quoted in: COVID-19: Where Doctors Can Get Help for Emotional Distress. Medscape. June 1, 2020 (click to link).
Women in Medicine - Leadership, Standards, Burnout and Changes in Today's Culture. Becker's Hospital Review 3rd Annual Health IT + Clinical Leadership + PharmacyHealthcare Conference, May 20, 2020, Chicago, IL.
Quoted in: Doctor, Heal Thyself: Physician Burnout In The Wake Of Covid-19. Forbes. May 17, 2020 (click to link).
Preserving the Physician Workforce. Keynote, the Edward B. D. Neuhauser lecture, Society for Pediatric Radiology 2020 Annual Meeting, May 15, 2020, Miami, FL.
Emphasizing Career Longevity: Addressing Burnout in Today's Physician Workforce. Keynote, Tristate Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, April 24, 2020, Pittsburgh, PA.
Anderson Cooper, 360 Degrees. CNN. April 20, 2020 (click to link).
Featured/Quoted in: Healthcare Workers Face Punishment for Speaking Out. Medpage Today. April 9, 2020 (click to link).
Sharing Stories from Frontline Healthcare Workers. Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter. CNN. April 5, 2020 (click to link).
Featured/Quoted in: Hospitals Tell Doctors They’ll Be Fired If They Speak Out About Lack of Gear. Bloomberg. March 31, 2020 (click to link).
Featured/Quoted in: Doctors’ Practices Face Cash Crunch as Pandemic Halts Economy. Bloomberg. March 24, 2020 (click to link).
Featured/Quoted in: Doctors Turn to Social Media to Develop Covid-19 Treatments in Real Time Bloomberg. March 24, 2020 (click to link).
The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. CNN. March 23, 2020 (click to link).
Quoted in: Hospital workers battling coronavirus turn to bandannas, sports goggles and homemade face shields amid shortages. The Washington Post. March 19, 2020 (click to link).
Adventures in Burnout: a panel. Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference, March 12-14, 2020, Las Vegas NV.
Physician Burnout: Moving Beyond Resiliency to Tangible Solutions. Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference, March 12-14, 2020, Las Vegas NV.
Shifts in the Physician Workforce in An Era of Change and Burnout. Keynote: NAPR/NALTO Convention 2020, March 12, 2020, Tampa, FL.
Confronting Physician Burnout through Personal and Organizational Level Initiatives. Keynote: Community Health Centers/Sante Health Foundation. February 20, 2020, Whistler, BC, Canada.
Changing Demographics in Medicine. Physician Moms Group, First Annual Meeting. February 16, 2020, San Antonio, Texas.
Physician Burnout: Shifting the Focus to Career Longevity. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Grand Rounds, Departments of Surgery and Radiology. February 4, 2020, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Know Your Worth: Negotiating Physician Contracts and Beyond. Business of Medicine Course, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. February 3 2020, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Empowerment for Women Physicians. Office of Women in Medicine and Science Seminar, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. January 28, 2020, Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Contract Negotiations: Knowing Your Worth. Financial Literacy and Resilience Education (FLARE) Certificate Program, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. January 28, 2020, Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Scott Becker Interviews Dr. Nisha Mehta, Founder of Physician Side Gigs and Diagnostic Radiologist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Becker's Healthcare Podcast. January 14, 2020 (click to link).
Shaping the Future of Medicine: Innovation in Your Career and Beyond. Keynote: InnovatorMD Global Summit 2020. January 11-12, 2020, San Francisco, California.
Dr. Nisha Mehta: Let Your WHY Be Your Guide: Quitting Your Way To Work-Life Balance. Quit Happens Podcast, Episode 112. January 7, 2020 (click to link).
Physician Empowerment: What, Why, and How? Keynote: Wisconsin Medical Society Workforce Empowerment Forum, November 21, 2019, Milwaukee, WI.
Understanding Physician Burnout with Nisha Mehta, MD. Money Checkup Podcast. November 5, 2019 (click to link).
Physician Burnout: The Path Forward. Grand Rounds, Enspire/MedCenter Health Physicians Network, October 24, 2019, Bowling Green, KY.
Striving for Career Longevity, Physician Wellness, and Physician Empowerment in Today's Healthcare Landscape. Keynote address. Community Physician Network Retreat, September 27-29, 2019, French Lick, IN.
Side Hustles for the Entrepreneurial Physician. Society for Physician Entrepreneurs, June 5, 2019, Charlotte, NC. (click to link).
Avoiding Burnout and Achieving Optimal Work-Life Balance. 2019 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) Annual Scientific Meeting, June 4, 2019, Cleveland, OH. (click to link).
Physician Burnout: Shifting the Focus on Solutions. Keynote Address: Vituity 2019 Spring Symposia. April 29, 2019, Santa Clara, CA (click to link).
Physician Leadership: Leadership Track Session Leader. Vituity 2019 Spring Symposia. April 29, 2019, Santa Clara, CA (click to link).
Is Passive Income a Reality? The What's Up Next Podcast. April 29, 2019 (click to link).
Physician Burnout as a Growing Crisis in Healthcare. SIR 2019 - Society for Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, March 25, 2019, Austin, TX.
Emphasizing Career Longevity in Primary Care: A Workshop. Group Workshops, Providence St. Joseph Health Primary Care Summit, March 8, 2019, San Diego, CA.
Solutions to Physician Burnout: Moving Beyond Resilience. Keynote Address: Providence St. Joseph Health Primary Care Summit, March 8, 2019, San Diego, CA.
Leveraging Physician Communities to Empower Physicians and Achieve Results. Keynote Address: South Carolina Oncology Society/North Carolina Oncology Association Annual Joint Meeting. February 8, 2019, Charlotte, NC.
Creating the Life in Radiology that You Choose. Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting 2018, November 2018, Chicago, IL (click to link).
Physician Burnout and the Physician Family: Impact, Identification, Management, and Prevention. The Society of Hospital Medicine, Charlotte, NC, November 8, 2018.
The Woman Physician: Implications of Shifting Demographics for the Physician Job Market. New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, MA, September 28, 2018.
Quoted in: Manage Practice Workflow to Reduce Burnout. Stephanie Stephens, Medical Economics, August 1, 2018 (click to link).
The Challenging Choice To Be A Mom And A Physician with Nisha Mehta, MD. Married to Doctors Podcast, May 10, 2018 (click to link).
Changing the Traditional Model for Clinicians. Nisha Mehta, Physician Side Gigs. The Future of Health Podcast. May 1, 2018 (click to link).
Drs. Nisha Mehta and Parag Butala: Achieving Balance in a Dual Physician Household. Doctor Money Matters Podcast. April 25, 2018 (click to link).
Creating Freedom As a Physician. Co-sponsored by Nisha Mehta, MD and Physicians Helping Physicians, Charlotte, NC. (click to link).
Dr. Nisha Mehta Part 2: Physician Side Gigs. The Penn HealthX Podcast, April 5, 2018 (click to link).
Dr. Nisha Mehta Part 1: What is Unique about Physician Burnout? The Penn HealthX Podcast, April 3, 2018 (click to link).
The Woman Physician: Wellness and Empowerment, Novant Health Women Physicians Group, Charlotte, NC, March 15, 2018.
Physician Entrepreneurship Summit: Dr. Nisha Mehta, Founder, Physician Side Gigs, Virtual physician entrepreneurship conference, March 2018 (click to link).
Physician Wellness: Are Work-Life Balance and Self Care Feasible? Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference by the White Coat Investor, Park City, Utah, March 3, 2018 (click to link).
Physician Burnout: A New Type of Medical Epidemic. Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference by the White Coat Investor, Park City, Utah, March 2, 2018 (click to link).
Q & A: Nisha Mehta on how pursuing passion projects can make radiologists better at their job. Radiology Business Journal, February 2018 (click to link).
Millennials in Medicine. IPCAA Annual Meeting 2018: Global Changes, New Generations, New York, NY.
Why More Than 10,000 Physicians are in a Side Gigs Group. Doctors Unbound Podcast, January 2017 (click to link).
Nisha Mehta, MD: Getting Real with Physician Burnout. Docs Outside the Box Podcast, December 2017 (click to link).
Quoted in: Personal Branding for Radiologists: Is it Necessary to Get Ahead? Randy Young, Radiology Business Journal (click to link).
Physician Burnout/Wellness Retreat, Albany Medical Center, September 2017, Saratoga Springs, NY. Moderator, 1 day retreat for group of approximately 40 Emergency Medicine Doctors.
Nisha Mehta, MD: Physician Wellness. Hippocratic Hustle Podcast, August 2017 (click to link).
How This Radiologist Tackles Work-Life Balance. Doximity Interview for the How I work series. November 2016 (click to link).
In the midst of a pandemic, remember that physician practices are small businesses too. KevinMD. March 24, 2020 (click to link).
Women Doctors: We Don't Need to Act Like Men. Medscape. February 3, 2020 (click to link).
Physician Burnout: Why It's Not About Resilience. MedPageToday. April 2018 (click to link).
With Side Gigs, Physicians Create Their Own Rules. Doximity. January 2018 (click to link).
Is Your Doctor Happy? Here’s why it’s worth finding out. PBS Newshour. December 2017 (click to link).
Can Radiology Fix Its PR Problem? The Radiology Business Journal, October/November 2017 (click to link).
If You Don’t Ask…, MissBonnieMD.com, August 2017 (click to link).
Addressing Your Own Wellness During Training, Physician Family Magazine, Summer 2017 (click to link).
6 Lessons from my Six Years as a Physician Mother. Medium, Doximity Op (m)ed, May 2017 (click to link).
The Radiology Job Market Must Change with the Times. Radiology Business Journal, April 2017 (click to link).
Babies and Medicine: On Choosing the Perfect Time. Thieme Medical Publishers, February 2017 (click to link).
Why We Should Care About Physician Debt. Forbes, November 2016 (click to link).
Entering Medicine in a Time of Healthcare Reform. Thieme Medical Publishers, November 2016 (click to link).
8 Tips from my Non-Medicine Friends that make me a Better Doctor. KevinMD, October 2016 (click to link).
Seven Lessons Learned from a Decade of Marriage. The Huffington Post, October 2016 (click to link).
Defining What Work Life Balance Means to You. The Huffington Post, October 2016 (click to link).
10 Truths of Physician Parenting. KevinMD. March 2016 (click to link).
Why are Female Physicians Afraid to be Women? KevinMD. February 2016 (click to link).
You Know You’re a Female Physician When… MomMD. February 2016 (click to link).
6 Reasons Professional Females Hesitate to be WOMEN. LinkedIn, January 2016 (click to link).

How this Radiologist Tackles Work-Life Balance

Is Your Doctor Happy? Here's why it's worth finding out.

With Side Gigs, Physicians Create Their Own Rules

How this Radiologist Tackles Work-Life Balance