Nisha Mehta, MD
Aug 11, 2018
Physician Life: The Remodel
Just like choosing to be a physician, it has to start with WHY. Then create a blueprint.

Nisha Mehta, MD
Jun 30, 2018
Burnout in the Male Physician
When I first started writing and speaking about physician burnout, I focused most of my efforts on the female physician - after all, most...

Nisha Mehta, MD
Apr 18, 2018
Physician Burnout: Why I Don't 'Stress' Resilience
Recently, I was asked to give a talk on resilience and its role in reducing physician burnout. I was excited by the opportunity, but...

Nisha Mehta, MD
Feb 11, 2018
How is Physician Burnout Different?
After all, many others work long hours in stressful positions, have extensive postgraduate training, and battle work life balance.

Nisha Mehta, MD
Jan 29, 2018
The Devaluation of Physician Time
Is 30 dollars for 30 minutes of a physician's time reasonable?

Nisha Mehta, MD
Jan 12, 2018
The Doctor Dollar
How easy is it for a physician to earn a dollar? An interaction with a contractor sheds light on the physician PR problem.